Online Physio FAQs

If you are unable to attend the clinics in person, an online physio consultation is the ideal option. In the current crisis (COVID-19) this is true more than ever.

Our physiotherapists are experts at diagnosis and treatment, and are more than well-equipped to help you via a video consultation.

Online physiotherapy has been proven to be as effective as in person care.

We use “Coviu” as our online platform. It is super simple for you to get connected. We send you a text with a link, you click on it, and your browser will take you to a virtual waiting room. Once we see that you’ve connected, we will bring you into the call.

Coviu is end-to-end encrypted so all your sessions are safe and secure!

The majority of Musculoskeletal Injuries are suitable for online Physiotherapy consultation, but if during your consult, we determine that your injury or situation is not at all suitable, we will let you know and there will be no charge.

If you are unsure whether your injury is suitable for a consultation or not, send us an email, and we will let you know!

Absolutely. While there are many injuries that can be managed via online Physiotherapy consultation, some conditions do require ‘hands on’ assessment and treatment.

All of our physiotherapists at Body Active Physiotherapy still physically work in our clinics, and are skilled at detecting when an injury requires face to face investigation.

Most people’s traditional view of Physiotherapy is that it involves “hands on” treatment. In reality, this is only a portion of what Physios do to assist with injury management. Educating you about your condition, identifying contributing factors from your lifestyle, as well as instigating a structured and tailored exercise program, are some of the most important things Physiotherapists do.

Over the last 5 to 10 years, Physiotherapy has moved away from a reliance on complex machines and manual techniques, and towards specific exercise programs carried out under guidance. This puts you in much more control of your own recovery. Research has shown that outcomes can be as good as a traditional consultation.

Naturally, if we feel you have an injury that requires “hands on” Physiotherapy, we will let you know!

Booking an online physio consult is as easy as our in-clinic consults!

You can call us on 1300 787 254 and let us know that you are booking an “online physio” or “telehealth” appointment.

Or you can click here to choose your practitioner. To book with Charles or Kang, please select the Alexandria location, to book with Kayla or Alec, please select the Mascot location.

Once you are through to the booking page, select “online consultation” from the drop down menu and fill in your details!

Initial online consultations are around 45-60 minutes and we ask that you are ready 5 minutes prior in order to start.

Follow up sessions are around 25-30 minutes.

Similar to an in-clinic setting, loose comfortable clothing is best. Your physiotherapist will need to observe the injured or symptomatic region.

All you need is a smart phone and an internet connection!

We can take a credit card payment through the phone at the end of your online consultation.

Insurance companies are starting to provide rebates for online health consultations in some circumstances.

Ask you travel insurer or Australian private health insurance provider if they are happy to provide rebates for online physiotherapy consultations.

We can provide a receipt for you to issue to your insurance company.